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Dragon Fruit Plants

Plants can begin flowering in as little as six to eight months, although container-grown plants may take up to two years to bear fruit. The good news is that once the plant is mature, you could see four to six fruiting cycles a year from a plant that is capable of bearing fruit for 20 to 30 years.

Do you need 2 dragon fruit plants?

Certain varieties of dragon fruit are self-pollinating while others require another plant for cross-pollination—check to see what variety you have and if you need more than one plant to produce fruit. Keep at temperature.

Is dragonfruit easy to grow?

Dragon fruit grow easily from seed or cuttings. To grow from seed, squash some flesh onto paper towel and keep moist in a warm position but away from direct sunlight. Seeds will sprout 2-3 weeks later and can be potted up into punnets.

Where does dragon fruit grow best?

Dragon fruit needs sun to produce fruit so plant it in a full sun spot or a place that gets at least 6 hours of sunlight a day. When situated indoors, make sure your plant is in a warm and sunny spot. Unlike most cactus, dragon fruit likes to have its soil on the slightly moist side.

What is the lifespan of a dragon fruit plant?

Dragon fruit is a fast-growing, semi-epiphytic vine that requires vertical pole-like support with a ring at the top. The economic lifespan of dragon fruit is more than 20 years and during the full-bearing period, plants are laden with fruits. It thus requires very strong and durable supporting structures.

Does dragon fruit need full sun?

A location that receives full sun (6-8 hours daily) is best for the Dragon Fruit Tree. The Dragon Fruit thrives in a lot of light, so try to avoid shady areas no matter where you choose to plant it. It also prefers well-draining, sandy soil, so stay away from planting in wet, mucky soils with standing water.

Can dragon fruit be grown in pots?

You can use plastic, clay or even terracotta pots for the dragon fruit. While the ideal size is mentioned, using a bigger pot will only be beneficial as it will give the roots more space. Try to make sure that your dragon fruit plant gets close to 8 hours of good sunlight each day.

How often should I water dragon fruit?

Under normal conditions, Dragon Fruit cactus should be watered about once every two weeks. You can check the soil with your finger or use a moisture meter to check how damp the soil is. The soil should feel dry or slightly damp, but never rock hard or swampy.

Can dragon fruit plant grown in a pots?

Dragon fruit is easy to grow in the garden or in a large pot. It's a climbing cactus, so it requires a frame or trellis for it to grow up and trail over, but once that is in place, it's relatively easy-going.

How many dragon fruits does a plant produce?

Dragon fruits only give fruit during the summer periods until about autumn. They can give about 3 waves of fruit per year. 1 plant itself produces 45-100 fruits per wave.

Is dragon fruit self pollinating?

Self-Fertile- It can use its own pollen to set fruit. Dragon fruit can be grow in containers or in the ground as long as they are planted in well-drained soil, full sun and trained to a trellis to support weight of this fast-growing cactus.

How much space does dragon fruit need to grow?

While being planted the distance between the dragon fruit plants depends on whether the support used is vertical or horizontal. In vertical support, the distance between the plants should be 2-3 metre while in horizontal support the distance is reduced to almost 50 cm and allows for intensive farming.

Which month is best for growing dragon fruit?

Generally, these plants starts flowering in May to June month and bears fruits from Aug to Dec month. Dragon fruits become ready for harvesting after 1 month of flowering. Fruiting time continues till December. Picking up these fruits can be done up to 6 times within this period.

How big does a dragon fruit tree get?

The dragon fruit cactus grows to approximately 10 feet tall. The wide, branching canopy of the cactus can reach widths of five to 10 feet.

What month does dragon fruit grow in?

the growing season of dragon fruit takes place during the hot months of the summer. In Europe the blooms will occur from July to October. The plant often grows in Asia, Mexico and parts of South America.

Can you touch a dragon fruit plant?

A cactus that's safe to touch! 🌵 Our unique Dragon Fruit cactus has soft, springy bristles that are safe for little hands. 🙌 Like other cacti, they are incredibly resilient and easy to care for.

Do dragon fruit flowers only bloom once?

The plants only flower for one night, opening late in the evening and closing again as the sun rises.

Is dragon fruit plant invasive?

In numerous regions, it has escaped cultivation to become a weed and is classified as an invasive weed in some countries.

Can dragon fruit grow in any soil?

You can grow this fruit in different types of soil, from sandy loam to clay loam. However, the ideal soil for its cultivation is sandy soils with good organic matter and a perfect drainage system. The pH of 5.5 to 7 is best for dragon fruit farming.

How often do you fertilize dragonfruit?

As a general rule, dragon fruit should be fed every 2 months with a slow-release granular fertilizer. When using liquid fertilizer on the soil or as a foliar spray, it may be necessary to feed once a week.

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